Going to add this to my favorites because I really enjoyed it! I spent the last hour playing it and actually forgot the time even went by! Now I did discover a slight bug but I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature. Before I blurt anything out, I'm going to continue to play some more before I make the call. Crazy thing is I never really liked minesweeper, but this made me enjoy it! not sure if it's the aesthetic or the chill music but keep going!
Edit: Ok I've played even more, and I'll say this. The game is addicting but you need to add some more depth. More weapons, mine types maybe a bonus mini game in between every couple level or a boss. You're on to something and I want to see this game win! My highest score right now is 10,570 the game is definitely not easy I say if there was more of an incentive to keep going then this would be a 5/5 elite minesweeper game.